



9999js金沙老品牌教授、博士生导师,北航校学术委员会委员;中国物流学会常务理事,中国系统工程学会应急管理系统工程专业委员会主任委员、服务系统工程分会副主任委员,“城市安全运行与应急保障”北京市国际科技合作基地主任;期刊《Sustainable Operations and Computers》副主编、《Computers and Industrial Engineering》领域编辑(Area Editor),《9999js金沙老品牌学报》、《系统工程理论与实践》编委。





Zhao, Q., Ding, M., Wu, C., & Li, Y. 2023. Analysis of Laber Resources Wastage in China’s Real Estate Brokeage: From the perspective of Opportunity Costs.Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 29(2): 131-142.

Yu, X., Zhao, Q., Lin, Q., & Wang, T. 2023. A grey wolf optimizer-based chaotic gravitational search algorithm for global optimization.Journal of Supercomputing, 79(3): 2691-2739.

Yan, Y., Zhao, Q., Qin, Z., & Sun, G. 2022. Integration of development and advertising strategies for multi-attribute products under competition.European Journal of Operational Research, 300(2): 490-503.

Yan, Y., Zhao, Q., Qin, Z., & Lev, B. 2022. Inter-competitor outsourcing: On the advantages of profit andproduct launching time.Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 158.

Wu, C., Xu, C., Zhao, Q., & Lin, S. 2022. Research on financing strategy of low-carbon supply chain based on cost-sharing contract.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(32): 48358-48375.

She, Y., Zhao, Q., Guo, R., & Yu, X. 2022. A robust strategy to address the airport gate assignment problem considering operators' preferences.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 168.

Liu, W., Zhao, Q., & Delahaye, D. 2022. Research on slot allocation for airport network in the presence of uncertainty.Journal of Air Transport Management, 104.

Lin, Q., Zhao, Q., & Lev, B. 2022. Influenza vaccine supply chain coordination under uncertain supply and demand.European Journal of Operational Research, 297(3): 930-948.

Gao, X., Huang, G., Zhao, Q., Cao, C., & Jiang, H. 2022. Robust optimization model for medical staff rebalancing problem with data contamination during COVID-19 pandemic.International Journal of Production Research, 60(5): 1737-1766.

Chen, Y., Zhao, Q., Huang, K., & Xi, X. 2022. A Bi-objective optimization model for contract design of humanitarian relief goods procurement considering extreme disasters.Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 81.

Wang, X., Zhou, M., Zhao, Q., Liu, S., Guo, X., & Qi, L. 2021. A Branch and Price Algorithm for Crane Assignment and Scheduling in Slab Yard.Ieee Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 18(3): 1122-1133.

Liu, L., Zhao, Q., Gonzalez, E. D. R. S., & Xi, X. 2021. Sourcing and production decisions for perishable items under quantity discounts and its impacts on environment.Journal of Cleaner Production, 317.

Liu, L., Zhao, Q., & Goh, M. 2021. Perishable material sourcing and final product pricing decisions for two-echelon supply chain under price-sensitive demand.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 156.

Li, Y., Zhao, Q., & Luo, K. 2021. Multi-objective soft subspace clustering in the composite kernel space.Information Sciences, 563: 23-39.

Jin, J., & Zhao, Q. 2021. Eco-labelled product consumption analysis and incentive-penalty mechanism design by using a system dynamics approach.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 153.

Chen, Y., & Zhao, Q. 2021. Donation-based relief goods distribution problem.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 152.

Liu, L., Zhao, Q., & Bi, Y. 2020. Why rent-seeking behavior may exist in Chinese mining safety production inspection system and how to alleviate it: A tripartite game analysis.Resources Policy, 69.

Lin, Q., Zhao, Q., & Lev, B. 2020. Cold chain transportation decision in the vaccine supply chain.European Journal of Operational Research, 283(1): 182-195.

Zhao, Q., Chang, R., Ma, J., & Wu, C. 2019. System dynamics simulation-based model for coordination of a three-level spare parts supply chain.International Transactions in Operational Research, 26(6): 2152-2178.

Zhang, Q., Zhao, Q., & Zhao, X. 2019. Manufacturer's product choice in the presence of environment-conscious consumers: brown product or green product.International Journal of Production Research, 57(23): 7423-7438.

Luo, K., Ma, J., & Zhao, Q. 2019. Enhanced self-adaptive global-best harmony search without any extra statistic and external archive.Information Sciences, 482: 228-247.

Luo, K., & Zhao, Q. 2019. A binary grey wolf optimizer for the multidimensional knapsack problem.Applied Soft Computing, 83.

Ma, Y., & Zhao, Q. 2018. Decision-making in safety efforts: Role of the government in reducing the probability of workplace accidents in China.Safety Science, 104: 81-90.

Zhao, Q., Jin, J., Deng, X., & Wang, D. 2017. Considering environmental implications of distribution channel choices: A comparative study based on game theory.Journal of Cleaner Production, 167: 1155-1164.

Wu, C., Zhao, Q., & Xi, M. 2017. A retailer-supplier supply chain model with trade credit default risk in a supplier-Stackelberg game.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 112: 568-575.

Wu, C., & Zhao, Q. 2017. An uncooperative ordering policy with time-varying price and learning curve for time-varying demand under trade credit.European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 11(3): 380-402.

Wu, C., & Zhao, Q. 2016. Two retailer-supplier supply chain models with default risk under trade credit policy.Springerplus, 5.

Ma, Y., Zhao, Q., & Xi, M. 2016. Decision-makings in safety investment: An opportunity cost perspective.Safety Science, 83: 31-39.

Chen, Y., Zhao, Q., Wang, L., & Dessouky, M. 2016. The regional cooperation-based warehouse location problem for relief supplies.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 102: 259-267.

Xiao, Y., Zhao, Q., Kaku, I., & Mladenovic, N. 2014. Variable neighbourhood simulated annealing algorithm for capacitated vehicle routing problems.Engineering Optimization, 46(4): 562-579.

Xiao, Y., Zhang, R., Zhao, Q., Kaku, I., & Xu, Y. 2014. A variable neighborhood search with an effective local search for uncapacitated multilevel lot-sizing problems.European Journal of Operational Research, 235(1): 102-114.

Xiao, Y., Tian, Y., & Zhao, Q. 2014. Optimizing frequent time-window selection for association rules mining in a temporal database using a variable neighbourhood search.Computers & Operations Research, 52: 241-250.

Liu, Z., Zhao, Q., Wang, S., & Shi, J. 2013. MODELING THE IMPACT OF PARTIAL INFORMATION SHARING IN A THREE-ECHELON SUPPLY CHAIN.Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 30(5).

Xiao, Y., Zhao, Q., Kaku, I., & Xu, Y. 2012. Development of a fuel consumption optimization model for the capacitated vehicle routing problem.Computers & Operations Research, 39(7): 1419-1431.

Xiao, Y., Kaku, I., Zhao, Q., & Zhang, R. 2012. Neighborhood search techniques for solving uncapacitated multilevel lot-sizing problems.Computers & Operations Research, 39(3): 647-658.

Xiao, Y., Kaku, I., Zhao, Q., & Zhang, R. 2011a. A reduced variable neighborhood search algorithm for uncapacitated multilevel lot-sizing problems.European Journal of Operational Research, 214(2): 223-231.




























赵秋红、肖依永、N.Mladenovic. 基于单点搜索的元启发式算法.北京:科学出版社,2013(ISBN: 703036895, 17.5万字)

赵秋红、汪寿阳、黎建强.物流管理中的优化方法与应用分析.北京:科学出版社, 2006(ISBN:703015897, 34.5万字)